Early April Quotes

Charlotte, cheerfully, as we look at photos of her new cousin: “I remember six years ago when I was being swarmed by people!”


Evelyn: “I *love* this new peanut butter. I like how it’s smoother and wetter for spreading.”


“Calvin, I need to do some cleaning this morning. What are you going to do? Do you want to help me, or maybe play nearby?” Cal: “No!” “Then what are you going to do?” Cal: “EAT!”


Guilt, guilt, a mother’s favorite meal. Charlotte, when I explain that I need them to play together nicely because Cal didn’t nap today so I am behind on my preparation for class tomorrow: “Why do you have to work so much?”


From the downstairs gymnastics mat, Evelyn: “Ew, Cal, ew! You’re licking me! Stop that.”


working early-early, I hear Calvin wake up and start singing to himself, then talking to himself. Now he’s standing up and chanting, “GET UP! GET UP! get up!” to his sisters.


According to Evelyn, a harpey is like “an upgraded chicken” in that she can fly but not very far.


Queen’s “We Will Rock You” came on my Pandora station. Calvin, from the next room: “CHARlit! Stop stomping! Stop it!”


Charlotte, in a snit: “You expect me to just *do* what you say! You expect me to obey. You want me to be *perfect*.” Me: “I don’t expect you to be perfect, but yes, I expect you to behave and do what I say.” Charlotte: “Well. You’re expecting the WRONG thing, then.” Oh dear.


Evelyn: “Something that happened today that made me blush was [a teacher] complimented all of us in the class, and [the teacher] called me Queen Evelyn. I think [the teacher] favors me because I brought the peace sign to school to remind people to be quiet.” She holds up her left hand in a peace sign like she’s raising her hand. I am surprised and impressed. “Like, twenty some people I’ve seen, and not just in my class, use it.”


the hilarious absurdity of playing Memory with Calvin: he sneaks matches we’ve already found back onto the grid.


James is out of town at a conference, so I served chicken patty sandwiches, french fries, and fruit cocktail for dinner. Then Sleeping Queens (card game), charades, Memory. On to Cookies and Cream ice cream, of which I apparently scooped a lot, because Evelyn said, “Woah! Generous, Mommy.”


Just said to 2 year old Calvin, “Please stop grabbing my bottom. I don’t like it.”


Charlotte, describing a witch that killed her in a bad dream: “She was like an old crumpled up green apple. She had a sleeping potion in her ear and she didn’t have a body, and she killed me in my sleep, which I knew she might do because she was trying to defeat me somehow…”


Cal wants something from the den: “CharLIT, you come with me, I scared of ghosts.”


The day after Daylight Savings Time: Evelyn: “I do *not* like losing an hour. And I don’t think we added an hour last year.”


I was throwing away Valentine’s candy a month after the holiday. “There will be Easter candy soon. Char: “And Labor Day candy.”


Calvin, after eating many, many blueberries with breakfast, comes running into the kitchen. He spies the remainder of the berries and cheers, “Yay! We have more blueberries!”


Evelyn said something about the Fates today. Char asked what she meant, and Evelyn explained. Charlotte: “Wow. They must have cut Beatrice’s string reeeeally short.”


Calvin’s toy truck got rained on this morning when he took it to the car and back for school drop off. When we got home, Cal: “I ‘gon dry a towel with my truck!”


Evelyn: “I don’t really think you have my gift of song-writing, Charlotte.”


Cal, after having eaten a full dinner (chicken, green beans, mac-n-cheese), two bowls of applesauce for dessert, patting my leg and crying, “Pease make my toast!”

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