October Quotes

Charlotte left a cup of water in the car overnight. “Wow! This water is really cold! It’s cold as a penguin’s world!”


Ev: “Can we go to Longwood?”
Char: “But all the flowers will be molted!”
Ev: “Yes, but every season, the outside has something beautiful to show.”


Me: “Evelyn, what are you saving for?”
“Nothing. But allowance comes in handy.”


Charlotte: “Give me that computer, or else I’ll cut my hair. By MYSELF!”


Evelyn: “That witch has a green Scoopy-Do nose.”
earlier–Evelyn: “Who wants to be Justin Beaver for Halloween?”


We passed a bloodied princess trick or treating.
Charlotte: “I don’t know who that was.”
James: “Well of course, we’ve passed a lot of people we don’t know.”
Charlotte: “No, I don’t know who that costume was.”


Evelyn: “I can’t believe it’s finally Halloween. I’ve been waiting all year long for this.”


Charlotte: “Me and [a kid in my class] don’t get along.”
Me: “Oh, why not?”
Charlotte: “Because we were fighting over the sensory corn. She said she had a better pile of corn than I did. I told her that you’re not allowed to say that, but she didn’t apologize. Then the teacher came over.”


Charlotte: “Evelyn read me ‘Beetle the Bug.'” [Beadle the Bard].


Charlotte: “Do police officers eat breakfast?”


Evelyn: “I’m fine with any hairdresser as long as I don’t come home with a bald head.”


‎”How are you, Evelyn?”
Ev, with a smile: “It’s hard to wake up from the best night of sleep of my life.”


Abbreviated Evelyn story. Kate Kerrane (a teacher at her school) compliments Evelyn’s singing at All School Meeting: “You have such a pretty singing voice.” Ev: “You should tell that to my mom.” Kate seeks the backstory. Ev: “I was singing ‘Rudolph’ and she told me to stop, that I was driving her crazy.” Kate: “Well… was it during the summer?” Ev: “I was standing in front of a CHRISTMAS TREE.”


In the car. Evelyn: “Mom, how many people in the world earn a living on Frisbee?”


Char: “I want to try some milk in my peppermint tea.”
Me: “Fine. Fine. I don’t think that sounds very good, but it’s not my cup of …”


James and I are talking about how Calvin, who is walking with confidence, in a sweatsuit, holding a remote control, looks like a little man.
Charlotte wails: “When he’s really an old man, I’ll be DEAD!”


Charlotte, whining at full pitch: “I just WANT a COOKIE!”
Me: “And I want you to stop whining, but obviously we don’t get what we want all the time.”


I just went up to re-tuck in the girls. Evelyn is scared, so she’s sleeping in Charlotte’s bed with her sister. Ev: “Mom, Charlotte keeps getting too close to me.” Me: “It’s a SINGLE bed. If you feel like she’s too close, you need to go sleep in your OWN bed.”


Driving down Main Street.
Evelyn: “Wow, it looks like boots are in style.”
Me: “Yeah.”
Evelyn, looking at a chick with different colored shoelaces: “Looks like mismatched sneakers are, too.”


Me: “Do you remember what ‘dinosaur’ means?”
Charlotte: “Yes. Terrible reptile.”


Evelyn: “What is half of forever?”
Me: “I don’t think there is a half a forever. What makes you ask?”
Evelyn: “I just wanted to know the answer.”


Charlotte: “I want to go out and check on my apple seed I planted!”
Me: “Oh, sweetie, I don’t think that will work. Daddy will probably mow over it unless we show him where you planted it.”
Charlotte: “But I don’t KNOOOOOW where I planted IT! Wait! We can use Daddy’s thing he uses on the wall to find hard parts!”

Me: “You mean his stud finder?” Char: “YES! That will work!”


Me: “Do you have any ideas for what you’d like for Christmas?”
Charlotte sighs, then: “I just want Santa to bring me presents.”


Calvin is looking out the front windows, chanting “Dada-dada-dada!”


Charlotte, listening to the Olivia theme song: “Is that voice the voice of a little girl? Or is it a little pig?”


Evelyn, reading from a recipe: “1/4 C. margerine.” (pause) “I think we should use butter for that.”


Evelyn just paid $9.95 for a cookbook for kids. Me: “Don’t spill your hot cocoa on that cookbook. That would be sad.” Evelyn: “Yes, and it would also be a waste of money.” I guess our new allowance system is working.


Girls, singing: “Last Christmas I gave you my heart / But the very next day, you gave it away.” Char: “It’s sad, because she dies if she doesn’t have a heart anymore.” Ev: “She’s just saying she gave him love. She loved him. She like really loved him a lot. And he didn’t love her.” Char: “That is really sad.”


Charlotte and Calvin playing together behind the couch. Cal starts crying. Char: “Here, Cal! Now YOU sit on ME!”


Char got earplugs at school. Me, after helping put them in her ears: “Do they work?” Char: “Yeah, I can’t hear anything.” Me: “But you can hear me.” Charlotte: “No, I can’t. I can’t hear anything.” I move to the computer. Char: “DON’T POST THAT!!”


James, watching football: “I love how they smack each other’s helmets. It’s like, ‘Good play, let me give you a mini-concussion.’ ‘Good job! DONK.'”


Question of the Day: What animal would you want to be?
Char: “I would be an elephant, because elephants have long noses and I could suck up water without my mouth.”
Evelyn: “I like to be a snake, because they’re one of the top predators, and if someone tried to eat me, I would eat them.”


Bike ride to school on this beautiful fall day. As we pull into the bike rack at Ev’s school, she muses, “It’s so strange to think that someday I’m going to die, and all of the world will keep going on.”


Evelyn: “I can’t wait for drama club to start. But I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with PLAYS.”


Charlotte, trying to pick up Calvin: “Mommy, can you put him in that thing?” She points to a cooler.


I let Charlotte choose two pieces of candy from a goodie bag. Opening a KitKat: “Oooooooooh! It’s two pieces!!!”


Evelyn lost a tooth today. And then she lost it in the car.
Me: “Evelyn, go find your tooth.”


Watching the Eagles game, our amazing surround sound is magnifying the yelling of the Eagles fans over a terrible goal line play. James and Evelyn are cracking up over the guy hollering, “Brown! What are you doing!? I hope you get CUT!” It’s like we’re in the stadium.

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